Finn (brindle white collar spring '22) is an amazing animal. Standing tall at 27.3" and weighing in at a healthy and muscular 142lbs. He is smart, loving, always with a watchful eye, proud and my best friend. He protects this home and property better than I would have ever imagined. The best part is when my kids are here and his full focus is on every move they make both indoors and outdoors. I have never met a dog breed so in tune with their owner and pack (family children). He is everything I could've ever wanted out of a guardian breed. His cuddles are adorable for his size and the way he'll push his head into you and squeeze his arms around you shows he even knows what a loving hug is like. With a strong and solid bloodline that has true Italian lineage worth the papers for I wouldn't have picked any other option. His Custodi Nos line is widely sought after and highly recognized worldwide. 

Semper Fidelis,

M.A. USMC Ret.